*APR means Annual Percentage Rate. Rates and terms are subject to change without notice. Lone Star Rewards Discounts included. Risk Based Pricing Notice: The Annual Percentage Rates (APR) are quoted “as low as” depending upon the applicant’s individual credit history. Rates quoted are based on approved credit. Your APR may be higher based on your credit information obtained from consumer credit reporting agencies InvesTex Credit Union uses. Other terms and restrictions apply and are subject to approval. ¹7.29% APR for up to 48 months or 7.59% for up to 60 months when you purchase or refinance a vehicle loan from another financial institution to InvesTex Credit Union. ²Cut your loan rate by as much as half with a maximum rate reduction of 5%. The final rate cannot go below the A+ calculated rate for term/loan type requested.
Cut Your Vehicle Loan Rate by as Much as Half¹
¹Cut your loan rate by as much as half with a maximum rate reduction of 5%. The final rate cannot go below the A+ calculated rate for the term/loan type requested. ²$38 fee per loan. Subject to approval. Not available on the mortgage, home equity, credit cards, Ready Credit, certificate or share secured loans. Interest will accrue on all affected loans and may cause maturity date on each to be extended. This offer is not available for loans that are in default.
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Reduce monthly loan payments. Pay down high interest credit card balances. Free up Cash and save with these great offers at InvesTex:
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¹Rate cannot go below our “as low as” rate per term. ²APR means Annual Percentage Rate. Rates and terms are subject to change without notices. Lone Star Rewards Discounts included. Risk Based Pricing Notice: The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is quoted “low as” depending upon the applicant’s individual credit history. Rates quoted are based on approved credit. Your APR may be higher based on your credit information obtained from consumer credit reporting agencies InvesTex Credit Union uses. No Payments Up to 90 Days. ³6.99% APR for 48 months or 7.29% APR for up to 60 months when you purchase or refinance a vehicle loan from another institution to InvesTex Credit Union.